Sunday, January 6, 2013

Here's a few things you want to avoid when naming your business ...

There are more than a few things you need to think about when starting an online business and you don?t want to put the cart before the horse. It?s easy to get ahead of yourself and start planning for widgets and plugins, as well as backgrounds and page content before you?ve got the fundamentals laid down. Correct planning starts before you?ve made any decisions about what your website will look like with the name of your company. An archived article in made some interesting points on the subject.

?No Stuffing

First off, you want to be sure your choice doesn?t sound forced?like you?re trying to stuff too much information into a catchy name that sounds better suited to the world of the Jetsons than a serious online enterprise. For example, TecMart might encompass everything you want it to for your online software company, but in the end the name sounds like a million others on the Internet that are doing the same thing and therefore isn?t very memorable. You should stay away from add-ons like Corp and .Com at least in the title. Take your time to come up with a good name for the company. You?ll need to choose one that will stick and be memorable, as well as informative.

Geo tags

Geographic tags are great for keywords and search engine optimization, but not always the best idea for naming a company. The reason? You could very well outgrow the name particularly when you?ve got an Internet based business that?s sure to grow. Chicago Web Design might seem like a great idea when you?re first starting out, but you might find the name is a hindrance and doesn?t really describe your business when your market goes national or even international.


Being too descriptive can be detrimental as well. You want potential customers to know what you do, but that doesn?t always need to be clear in the name of your firm. Imagine if Google was actually called ? Remember here the name needs to be catchy but not too obscure. It needs to stick but still have a linguistic echo that will make it work. Verizon is a great example.

?Stay Open To Change

Finally, there?s the distinct possibility you might need to change the name you?ve started with. One of the bigger problems you can face is refusing to admit when you need to correct a name that?s not accurate and doesn?t clearly describe what you?re trying to accomplish. The article highlights the case of the moving company, PODS, which is an acronym for Portable on Demand Storage. Before they decided to go with the reworked version, they were using the name Portables which brought to mind everything from moveable classrooms to construction toilets.


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